Pet of the Month Archive

February 2021 Pet of the Month

Name: Nikki, but will only respond to “Natasha”.

Breed: Calico, but wonder if she could be part Maine Coon with some of her habits.

Likes: Looking at herself in the mirror, sitting next to the bathtub watching me take a bath then hops in the tub to take a nap, drinking out of any faucet with running water and paying special attention to our friends with […]

January 2021 Pet of the Month

Name: Lyla

Breed: Norwegian Forest Cat Mix

Likes: Heating vents, cardboard boxes, and her screened porch where she loudly defends her castle from critters who dare enter the yard.

I love being the boss!

Dislikes: Catnip

About Lyla: Having languished in a shelter for more than a year, Lyla was adopted by our son who then moved home briefly after college. When he left, we said goodbye […]

December 2020 Pet of the Month

Name: Truffle (aka Miss Truffle or Truff)

Breed: Grey and white domestic shorthair

Likes: Tuna from the can; being stroked on the side of her face; when her younger brother licks her head

Why is it that the people in this house seem to eat all day but I always have to wait for my food?

Dislikes: Going anywhere in the car; playing in the backyard […]

November 2020 Pet of the Month

Name: Neep

Breed: Gray Cockatiel

Likes: Freedom, millet, a Saturday afternoon siesta listening to opera on WETA 90.9 FM, exploration, and his bedtime routine.

Viper, be quiet and let me sleep.

Dislikes: Too much interaction, rustling noises, raptors, and crows.

About Neep: At 26 years old, Neep is no spring chicken, but he flies vigorously every day—a daily exercise regimen that has kept him young at heart […]

October 2020 Pet of the Month

Name: Romeo

Breed: Delmarva Shorthair (Harlequin Tuxedo variety)

Likes: Petting, his people, his brother, his fishing pole toy, squirrel surveillance, and FOOD — but only a certain flavor of a certain brand.

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere! Let’s eat.

Dislikes: The smoke alarm, nail clipping day, the loud leaf blower that comes around every week to clean our patio, and when you let 5 pm go by […]

September 2020 Pet of the Month

Name: Pumpkin

Breed:Orange Tabby, most likely a reincarnation of The Buddha

Likes: Being alert to all living things, Pumpkin likes to sit in his watcher pose at the backdoor and flicks his tail as he tracks the birds in flight. He meditates every morning during his favorite activity – being brushed to maintain his wise and all-knowing look. When we are away, Nila from Sit-a-Pet is his […]

August 2020 Pet of the Month

Name: Valentine

Breed: White short-haired American cat

Likes: All food: cuddling; watching mom cook; playing soccer with his brother, Milo; watching birds and insects on the patio.

I can’t decide if I want food or love more — so I’ll have both please!

Dislikes: Loud noises, like vacuum; big objects, like exercise balls and golf clubs; being alone.

About Valentine: The heart on his nose says it all:  […]

July 2020 Pet of the Month

Name: Roosevelt Franklin (and not the other way around); commonly referred to as “Dude Stop”, “Dude Get Down” and “Hey”. Responds to none of the above, because cats.

Breed: Orange tabby cat with many traits of a human toddler

Likes: Garbage collection day, darting outside, my squirrel friends who stop by every morning, and Winston.

I don’t care for Zoom conference calls, but when […]

June 2020 Pet of the Month

Name: Duchess

Breed: American Shorthair

Likes: Chasing shadows (in lieu of birds); tummy rubs and ear scratches; cuddling on the bed at night with me and her sibling.

Humpf, George is such a show-off! And please pass on the manicure.

Dislikes: Having her nails cut!

About Duchess: Duchess and her twin brother George are exceptional because they are PURE white; no markings anywhere. The only difference between […]

May 2020 Pet of the Month

Name: Tulip

Breed: Bengal

Likes: Belly rubs, being brushed on her cheeks, her cat brother

Butler!  Bring me my food and rub my belly.  I said now!

Dislikes: Being picked up, having her nails cut, loud noises

About Tulip: Tulip is a four-year-old Bengal cat, born in New Hampshire.  She has very soft fur with a marble pattern that glows silver at the tips.  Like most cats, Tulip […]

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