Pet of the Month Archive

August 2022 Pet of the Month

Name: Jasper

Breed: “Rescue” (aka: domestic short-hair cat of indeterminate origin)

Likes: A warm lap to curl up in, sun “puddles” (both ideal for cool weather napping especially), crinkly toys and snacks

Could you please sit down, I’m ready for my afternoon nap in your lap.

Dislikes: Home renovations/displaced furniture, wet food not warmed to just the right temperature and road trips

About Jasper: Jasper was adopted […]

July 2022 Pet of the Month

Name: Odysseus Orion William-Nilliam Mitchell-Karbowsky (a.k.a. Ody)

Breed: American shorthair cow cat

Likes: Fetching. Playing. Sushi. Laps. His favorite chair. Helping his humans type.

I have so many feelings and I don’t know why!

Dislikes: Too many to list! He’s a very particular cat. Changes are hard! Clothes being packed are scary! Waking up from naps is the worst! Laps shouldn’t have to move!

About Ody: Ody […]

June 2022 Pet of the Month

Name: Cosmo Korzeniewski

Breed: DSH – orange tabby

Likes: Ear scritches, snacks, the laser pointer, meeting new people & wrestling with his little sister Trixie

I cannot be contained!

Dislikes: Closed doors, petting & being anywhere near his little sister Trixie

About Cosmo: Cosmo, named for beautiful orange cosmos flowers, is a charming curmudgeon who likes things done his way. He was just over 2 years old […]

May 2022 Pet of the Month

Name: The BZA

Breed: Budgerigar

Likes: Millet, his brother Wiley, hanging out on the windowsill, real hip-hop, baths in the fountain, free flying in the house

Seed rules everything around me.

Dislikes: Also his brother Wiley, healthy food, molting, his annual visits to the vet

About The BZA: As the first and only bird member of Wu-Tang Clan, The BZA takes his name from his distant human […]

April 2022 Pet of the Month

Name: Noah (aka The Noah)

Breed: Domestic Shorthair

Likes: Chicken, more chicken, supervised outdoor time, lap time, his toy knitted lobster (called “Crabbie”), 2 tummy rubs

Wake up warden, it’s 7am. Time for breakfast.

Dislikes: The 3rd tummy rub, fireworks, thunder storms

About Noah: Noah turns 13 this month! Noah showed up on our porch as a kitten, dehydrated, hungry, and homeless. He was smart enough to […]

March 2022 Pet of the Month

Name: Nora

Breed: Domestic Shorthair

Likes: Treats, cat grass, and sitting on squares

I’m just going to take a quick nap–please don’t forget to wake me up for dinner!

Dislikes: Having her teeth brushed

About Nora: Nora is a six-year-old ginger tabby who was adopted a few years ago from Human Rescue Alliance. She can be shy with strangers at first but once she gets to know […]

February 2022 Pet of the Month

Name: Mary

Breed: Domestic short hair

Likes: Her family, cuddling, talking, chirping at birds, drinking from the faucet, eating, and her toy fox

Mom and dad are my world – there’s just no need for me to let anyone else into my house.

Dislikes: Most people, other animals, and her toy fox

About Mary: Mary has a spunky and unique personality. On one hand, she is a […]

January 2022 Pet of the Month

Name: Cosmo

Breed: Domestic short hair

Likes: Greeting visitors at the door and entertaining them by catching tossed kibble in his mouth; playing in the bathtub; dragging around an old, ragged Santa hat (his quest is to pull it all the way up the basement stairs, but so far, no success); watching bird videos on an iPad and real birds on the deck, having his ears […]

December 2021 Pet of the Month

Name: Smoke

Breed: Ragdoll

Likes: Doing her own thing and eating all the time

What I have really appreciated over the years is your belief that your home belongs to us, your cats, and we let you live here too.

Dislikes: Any delay in being fed on time as determined by her

About Smoke: Smoke and her sister Summer came into my life as kittens in 2000. […]

November 2021 Pet of the Month

Name: Dolce

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Likes: Greenies treats, napping on her owner, lying on any paper product, watching birds and bugs from her perch by the window, giving kisses, couch time with her favorite pet sitter Tristine

Would you like to pet my belly? You know you want to.

Dislikes: Anyone touching her ears, medicine, other cats

About Dolce: Dolce is a “Sit-A-Pet to the rescue” […]

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