Meet Hal!

Name: Hal

Breed: Domestic Short Hair – Orange Tabby

Likes: Hide-and-seek, boxes, car rides, sassing wildlife from the safety of window sills, hunting bugs, supervising, waking up humans in the middle of the night, getting brushed, head bumps, kisses, naps, food.

Why yes, thank you, I WOULD love to help you eat your chicken.

Dislikes: Going to the vet, sleeping through the night, vacuum cleaners.

About Hal: My name is Hal. I am five years old. On October 31, 2009, my family was lucky enough to have me join them as a member. I am named Hal because of Halloween (my favorite day of the year… Hal-o-ween, get it?). Here’s my claim to fame: there are a lot of non-cat people who like me and think I am cool. My moms’ contractor says he does not like cats, but he is now thinking about getting a cat because he likes me so much. I try to be humble, but let’s face it, it’s hard. Sometimes people say I am like a “dog-cat” since I like riding in cars, playing fetch, getting belly rubs, greeting my moms at the door when they come home, and eating anything I can get my paws on. Plus, I am really very sweet and I love to give kisses, just like a dog. Here is one thing I do really well: supervise. Whether it is telling contractors how to do a job, telling my moms how to cook or make a bed, I have a gift for management. While I like playing different games, hide-and-seek (also known as “Where’s Mr. Hal?”) is my favorite. I am very good at it. In fact, here’s a video of me in action in “Where’s Mr Hal.”

I suspect this video very well may lead to a Hollywood contract for me. Did I mention how good I am at opening doors? I could talk about myself all day, but I need to find a box and take a nap now.