Name: Latte (Her official registered name is Blakewood Lattecat)

Breed: Colorpoint Siamese

Likes: Sleeping under the covers; sitting on Human Mom’s shoulder while she’s on Zoom calls, watching Cat TV, yoga, laundry fresh from the dryer, overly expensive freeze-dried chicken treats, and her little sister Chai

I’d like to thank Sit-A-Pet, my loyal supporters, and particularly the best cat sitter I’ve ever met, Tristine, for this great honor.

Dislikes: Loud noises, unexpected visitors (until she gets to know them), dry food, people who don’t pay enough attention!!

About Latte: Latte is a very special Siamese, obviously related to Baby Yoda as shown by the size of her ears. She’s a talker and a cuddler, spending every free moment with her Human Mom and complaining loudly when she’s left alone even for a minute.

Latte was born at Blakewood Cattery in Pennsylvania, where her parents were blue ribbon winners at many cat shows. She clearly knows how beautiful she is and insists that everyone else acknowledge it as well.

Latte loves to curl up with her little sister Chai and to play Zoomies during every important meeting – particularly when she can be seen on camera. She’s particularly enamored with her wonderful cat sitter, Tristine. When Mom’s away, they like to play, watch TV, and have “stair time,” which, of course, makes Latte happy but not the carpet.