Meet Lily and Luvy!

Name: Lily and Luvy

Breed: Persian

Likes: Lily is an extrovert who loves people (she’s the chocolate Persian). Luvy is more shy, but is sweet (she’s the silver Persian), loves to be combed and eat her treats. They both love Dea, their Sit-A-Pet kitty sitter.

We run this household and have
our owner wrapped around our
paws and tails!

Dislikes: Lily and Luvy hate baths and blow drying but they know there’s a cost to being beautiful.

About Lily and Luvy: Last year, I lost my cat of 18 years “Hedy” and found Lily on the internet. She was so active and anxious to play, that my other elder cat “Chanel” just had no time for this trite kitty. It became abundantly clear that Lily needed a playmate, so I actively searched for another kitten. I found Luvy and brought her home at 10 weeks. The breeder said, let Lily and Luvy play, they will get along famously. Well, it was touch and go when Lily started wrestling with Luvy and I heard this very faint mew. I picked Luvy up and Lily had bit her by the nose. I was horrified to see blood and separated them for a couple of days. They soon were fast friends and Lily is a great big sis. After Chanel died in January (17 years), I knew I had made the right decision.