Name: Mary

Breed: Domestic short hair

Likes: Her family, cuddling, talking, chirping at birds, drinking from the faucet, eating, and her toy fox

Mom and dad are my world – there’s just no need for me to let anyone else into my house.

Dislikes: Most people, other animals, and her toy fox

About Mary: Mary has a spunky and unique personality. On one hand, she is a loving lap cat who is fiercely loyal to her mom and dad. On the other hand, she is a fierce guard cat, defending her house from anyone that tries to enter… even extended family and friends. She once cornered her dad’s Army Ranger buddy in the kitchen while her parents slept. Another time, she hunkered down in the backyard as her dad watched a large buck approach her; just as he thought there might be a loving rubbing of noses, Mary swatted at the buck.

Mary was born in a small town in Montana, adopted by her dad at age three, and moved to Washington DC a year later. It was there that her future mom, a lifelong dog person, succumbed to falling in love with Mary and spent most evenings with Mary laying on her chest as she watched tv.

For many years Mary has had a love-hate relationship with one toy, which her parents refer to as “Flying Fox.” When Mary can be heard yowling ferociously from across the house, that means one thing: she is hunting Flying Fox. Her parents often find Flying Fox in strange places, but Mary never plays with him in front of anyone. Like an Elf on the Shelf, her parents can’t wait to see where Flying Fox will land next.
Mary, Mary, oh she can be quite contrary! The unrelenting guard cat, for many years Mary was quite picky about who she would allow to enter her house and care for her when her family was out of town. After years of looking for someone suitable, Mary let her pet sitter Debbie into her very small circle of trust. Debbie knows the rules to entry: come equipped with treats, throw some, and Mary will cease hissing and abandon her guard post at the door. Throw more treats and Mary will allow her to move about. While Mary likely would not admit it, she kind of likes Debbie, and Debbie affectionately refers to Mary as Spicey Girl. During her last visit, Debbie even received some head butts and heard some purring!