Name: Smoke
Breed: Ragdoll
Likes: Doing her own thing and eating all the time
Dislikes: Any delay in being fed on time as determined by her
About Smoke: Smoke and her sister Summer came into my life as kittens in 2000. Summer was with us until 2018, and Smoke missed her terribly. To combat that, Sunshine and Midnight came along as rescue kittens, and after a somewhat fraught adjustment period, harmony reigned. Now that Smoke is 21, we are coming to the end of her journey. But every morning at 5:00AM she jumps up on my bed and gently pats my nose until I get up. I don’t mind at all, and in fact I rather think I’ll miss that. For 32 years Sit-A-Pet has provided wonderful care of my cats—from Zeke and Zack, to Summer and Smoke, and now Midnight and Sunshine, they have afforded me great peace of mind in my travels.