Meet Bella & CoCo!

Name: Bella (black & white) & CoCo (tortoiseshell)

Breed: Domestic Short Hair

Likes: Lounging in warm sunny windows, sitting in piles of blankets right out of the dryer, sitting in any box our mother brings home, tummy rubs, chin scratches and, most of all, snuggles with our human mother. We also love & appreciate all the great care & attention we get from our pet sitters!!

Rapscallions Rule!

Dislikes: Visits to the vet, closed doors (we hate not knowing everything) and missing our mother when she travels.

About Bella & CoCo: Bella and CoCo were born from different kitty mothers, but became sisters and best friends on the day they were brought home. They bonded immediately and, as kittens, earned the nickname “Rapscallions” as a result of the magnitude of their kitten craziness & mischief they caused. There were many sleepless nights and a seemingly endless stream of unexpected adventures & escapades. At 10 years old, they are very clearly in charge of the house and their human mother is grateful that they are willing to share their multiple beds with her (sofa, chairs, big human bed). She is also tremendously grateful for all the assistance they provide her on a daily basis – unpacking groceries (they smell everything first to ensure that it’s safe to eat), assisting her when she works from home (Bella loves typing on the computer keyboard), and providing much-needed packing supervision (CoCo sits inside the suitcase to ensure that proper packing techniques are used). They take great care of each other as well – CoCo always runs to Bella for grooming when she wakes up from a nap (who doesn’t need love when they wake up?) and, in exchange, CoCo is very diligent about grooming off those pesky stray hairs above Bella’s eyes (otherwise known as eyebrows). CoCo keeps a close eye on Bella to ensure that she is safe (or, more likely, to see when she can steal food from her) and Bella keeps a close eye on CoCo to be sure that CoCo doesn’t steal her favorite sleeping spot! They fill their mother’s life with silliness, laughs, love & happiness every single day!