2022 Pets of the Month

February 2022 Pet of the Month

Name: Mary

Breed: Domestic short hair

Likes: Her family, cuddling, talking, chirping at birds, drinking from the faucet, eating, and her toy fox

Mom and dad are my world – there’s just no need for me to let anyone else into my house.

Dislikes: Most people, other animals, and her toy fox

About Mary: Mary has a spunky and unique personality. On one hand, she is a […]

January 2022 Pet of the Month

Name: Cosmo

Breed: Domestic short hair

Likes: Greeting visitors at the door and entertaining them by catching tossed kibble in his mouth; playing in the bathtub; dragging around an old, ragged Santa hat (his quest is to pull it all the way up the basement stairs, but so far, no success); watching bird videos on an iPad and real birds on the deck, having his ears […]

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